Akaso ek7000 manual download
Akaso ek7000 manual download

To exit Settings, go to the last option and press Power/Mode Button again,thenyouwillgoto the exit option (x). Or press the Up Button/ Down Button to cycle through options.ĥ. Repeatedlypressthe Power/Mode Button to cycle through options and press the Shutter/Select Button to select desired one.Ĥ. Press the Shutter/Select Button to enter the settings menu.ģ. Press Power/Mode Button repeatedlytoswitchtoSettings.Ģ. To exit the Playback Mode, hold and press the Up/Playback Button for2s.ġ. To return to the Playback menu, press the Power/Mode Button. Todeletephotoorvideo,longpressthe up button.Themenufordeletingwillshowup. Press Shutter/Select Button to playback the desired one. Press UP/Playback Button or Down/WiFi Button tocyclethroughtheoverviewofphotosorvideos. Press Shutter/Select Button to select desired options.

akaso ek7000 manual download

Then press the UP/Playback Button to enter the Playback menu. To go to the Playback Mode,firstverifythatthecameraisin Photo Mode or Video Mode. Toreviewphotosandvideosonthecamera,goto Playback Mode. In Time Lapse Mode, your AKASO Action Camera capturesaseriesofphotosat2s/3s/5s/10s/20s/30s/ 60sintervals. Press Power/Mode Button repeatedlytoswitchtoTimeLapseMode.AlsomakesurethattheĬontinuous Lapse has been set to ON in Settings. Press the Shutter/Select Button,thecamerawillstarttophotosinburst series. InBurstPhotoMode, been turned on in Settings. Press Power/Mode Button repeatedlytoswitchtoBurst Photo Mode. Shooting photo: in Photo Mode, press Shutter/Select Button toshootphotos Thecamerawillemit camerashuttersoundifithasbeenturnedoninSettings. Press Power/Mode Button repeatedlytoswitchtoPhoto Mode. Whenthebatteryrunsout,thecamerawillstopworking.Butthevideowillbesavedautomatically. Whenrecordingstarts,toswitchmodesisnotavailable.Toswitchmode,pleasestoprecordingfirst. Then return to Video Mode, press OK Button torecord,thevideowillautomaticallybesavedasafile(dependsonthechosenvideoresolution, usuallyabout10mins).TherecordingtimeonLCDscreenstartsatzero.Whenthememoryisfull, thefirstvideowouldbecovered,andsoon. Loop recording: In Settings, turn on the loop recording.

akaso ek7000 manual download

Press the Shutter/Select Button to end video recording. Press the Shutter/Select Button, the camera will start to record video.Meamwhilethestatuslight willflashandonebeepwillbeemittedbythecamera. MakesuretheVideoiconshowsonthescreenbeforerecording.Ifnot,pressthe Power/Mode Button repeatedly until it appears. Video Mode isthedefaultmodeaftercamerapoweron.

Akaso ek7000 manual download